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Daudzai’s vision for Pak-Afghan Relations is one of unity and harmony. About Pak-Afghan Youth Forum

Minister Daudzai’s vision for Pak-Afghan Relations is one of unity and harmony. About Pak-Afghan Youth Forum (PAYF): Pak Afghan Youth Forum (PAYF) has been initiated[…]

RTA Execlusive interveriew President’s SPL Envoy of AFG

RTA Exclusive Interview  Umer Daudzai, President’s SPL Envoy for Pakistan affairshttp://Exclusive Interview with Mohammad Umer Daudzai, President’s SPL Envoy for Pakistan

Istanbul Peace summit

Interview  about Possible results of Turkey peace summit discussed [embedyt][/embedyt]  

BBC PASTO interview Jirga 2019

BBC PASTO interview Jirga 2019

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